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I was a 2017 recipient of the Pulliam Journalism Fellowship, which is a 10-week-long paid summer internship in which young journalists work in Gannett Co. newspapers gaining valuable journalism experience.


I was hired as a copy-editing intern, with responsibilities such as spelling, grammar and punctuation checks, as well as headline writing and fact checking. To complete these tasks, I became familiar with Presto and Newsgate. 


During my time as an intern at The Republic, I felt it was important to compile my fellow Pulliams' efforts. I created a Twitter account as an outlet for storing and sharing our content. I also saw this account as an advertising tool for future Pulliam applicants. Within 10 weeks, this account produced almost 400 tweets and gained almost 200 followers. @AZPulliamFellow


In addition to copy editing, I explored the Social Media and Digital Producing Departments. I conducted a Facebook livestream  during freshmen move-in day for Arizona State University. I became familiar with the Republic preferred video creation platform 'Wochit' and made videos on my own time.



A few other projects I initiated include:



A video and story about a retired teacher who continued his career using YouTube.



A package about the donation "parking meter program" sweeping Arizona aiming to help the homeless population which was also published in the Valley and State section of the paper. 



It was a true honor to learn from Editor John D'Anna, Copy Editor David Gordon and Social Media Blogger Louie Villalobos.  

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